

the rewildology podcast


What is Rewilding?

An ambitious movement to restore ecosystems and wildlife that have been heavily modified by human activity, with research-driven, realistic methodologies.

Habitat Restoration

Rewilding often involves restoring degraded ecosystems by reintroducing native plant and animal species, removing invasive species, and implementing landscape-scale conservation measures.

Ecosystem Function

The focus of rewilding is not only on individual species but also on restoring ecological processes such as natural disturbances (e.g., wildfires, flooding) and predator-prey dynamics.

Large-Scale Conservation

Rewilding projects often operate at a large scale, encompassing extensive landscapes or even entire regions. This allows for the creation of interconnected habitats, facilitating the natural movement of wildlife.

Biodiversity Conservation

By restoring natural habitats and ecological processes, rewilding aims to conserve existing biodiversity and promote the recovery of endangered species.

Coexistence with Humans

Rewilding seeks to foster coexistence between people and wildlife. It often involves engaging local communities in conservation efforts and promoting sustainable land use practices.

Promoting Ecological Resilience

Rewilding attempts to adapt ecosystems to environmental changes, such as climate change and habitat loss. Creating resistance to challenges promotes long-term viability.

The Rewildology Podcast

Join conservation biologist and adventure traveler Brooke Mitchell as she chats with experts from across the globe to discuss nature’s biggest questions: 

How do we save and rewild our natural spaces?

How can we restore wildlife populations?

How do we overcome adversity to rally communities?

What are the most responsible ways to experience nature?

Pour yourself a glass of something tasty (coffee, tea, wine, whiskey?) and join the conversation. Together we’ll rewild the planet.

Meet Your Guide

Brooke Mitchell

Conservation Biologist, Sustainable Travel Expert

Hey there, friend. I’m glad you’re here checking out this site! My name is Brooke, and I’m a conservation biologist, travel addict, and admirer of all things wild. My globetrotting has taken me to the bushes of Africa, India’s jungles, the pristine Galapagos Islands, polar bears’ frozen tundra, and more. Do you want to know what I’ve learned while visiting and studying the world’s wildest places? That people everywhere are pretty spectacular, and we all want a better, healthier planet. I started Rewildology to share stories from the incredible people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting; the good, the bad, and the hilarious. So, sit down, relax, pour yourself a tasty drink, and join the conversation.

Just in case anyone is curious, I received a Bachelor’s degree in Zoology from The Ohio State University (Go, Bucks!) and Master’s degree in (Conservation) Biology from Miami University’s Global Field Program. I’m also the Director of Conservation for The Wild Source, a wildlife biologist-owned safari company that is disrupting the industry through empowerment.


Brooke Mitchell
Host & Creator